What to Do About Termite Swarmers in Baton Rouge

Winged individuals of termite

If you’ve noticed swarms of winged termites around your home between spring and summer, you’re not alone.

If left unchecked, these pesky insects can cause significant damage. Wondering how you can prevent these termite swarmers from suddenly showing up in the summer months?

Keep reading to explore prevention tips and effective solutions for a termite-free home.

Key Takeaways

  • Termite swarmers are either black or dark brown and have long white wings, leaving old colonies to start new ones.
  • As homeowners in Baton Rouge, you must look for signs like frass and mud tubes to catch termite infestations early.
  • You can prevent termite swarmers by fixing leaks, checking for cracks, and regularly inspecting wooden areas around your home.
  • If you encounter termite swarmers, stay calm, capture a few, and contact a local pest control professional for treatment.


As the reproducers, these winged termites have distinct physical features and specific behaviors.

Physical Appearance

Also known as flying termites, termite swarmers are distinguishable by their unique traits. Here’s how to tell them apart from other members of the termite colony:

Physical Features Details
Color Black or dark brown, depending on termite species
Size Typically, about 3/8 of an inch long
Wings Long, white wings that stack and overlap
Antennae Straight with a string of beads
Waist Unlike ants, they have no pinched waists

Behavior and Diet

Swarming termites, or alates, primarily feed on cellulose from food sources like wood and plant materials.

During the termite season around Mother’s Day, these pests leave their existing colonies to establish new colonies elsewhere.

After pairing with a mate, they shed their wings and start nesting and reproducing.

Signs of Termite Swarmers

Spotting the signs of termite swarmers can help you prevent a potential infestation early. As Baton Rouge homeowners, do not miss these clues they leave behind:

  • Swarming termites near light fixtures and windows
  • Mud tubes on surfaces from species like Formosan subterranean termites
  • Termite damage on wood resembling water damage or honeycomb indents
  • Drywood termite frass, often mistaken for pellets


If you suspect large numbers of swarmers near your Baton Rouge home, here are steps you can follow:

  1. Stay Calm: Spotting termite swarmers around your home can be alarming, but panicking will not help.
  2. Capture a Few Specimens: Use a small container to capture a few swarmers. This may help when you seek professional advice.
  3. Inspect the Area: Look for signs of property damage. Check wooden structures around your property. 
  4. Call a Professional: Contact an expert or someone familiar with South Louisiana’s termite problems.
  5. Avoid DIY Treatments: Leave treatments to professionals. While DIY pest control can be effective for initial mitigation, they’re not a long-term solution.
  6. Follow Professional Advice: Adhere to the recommendations given by the pest control expert. 
  7. Monitor Regularly: Even after treatment, continue to check your property. Regular inspections can help detect any early resurgence of termite activity.
  8. Educate Yourself: Learn more about the different types of termites and their swarm seasons from entomologists at the LSU AgCenter.


Proper home maintenance and proactive pest control are essential for preventing future swarmers. When proactive, homeowners like you can reduce the risk of another bad termite infestation.

Home Maintenance Tips

In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home maintenance is crucial in termite prevention. To get started, consider the following:

Home Maintenance Recommended Action
Moisture Control Remove standing water sources near your home and fix leaky pipes to reduce humidity.
Gutters and Downspouts Clean gutters regularly to prevent rainwater from accumulating.
Foundation Maintenance Repair cracks or damage to your home’s foundation, exterior walls, or roof.
Landscaping Maintain a dry soil barrier and avoid using wood mulch directly against the foundation.

Proactive Measures

Taking a proactive approach can help keep termites at bay. Simple yet effective strategies can be implemented to protect your home from infestations. Consider these measures:

  • Barriers: To deter termites, create a barrier of termite-treated crushed rocks (12-18 inches) between the foundation and soil or mulch.
  • Wood Management: Remove damp or rotting wood from your property. Inspect antique wooden furniture before bringing it inside.
  • Inspections: Regularly check for mud tunnels and mud tubes around your home’s foundation.
  • Outdoor Lighting: Reduce outdoor lighting near entry points to reduce the risk of them entering your home.


When dealing with winged termites in the Baton Rouge area, you can rely on professional pest control services. At LaJaunie’s Pest Control, our services focus on various aspects of termite control, providing tailored treatments to protect properties.

Here are termite treatment services you can expect from our experts:

Services Description
Termite Inspections Identifying existing termite activity
Termiticides Application Long-lasting chemical barriers around homes
Bait Systems Effective termite bait station installation
Pre-treatments Protection for new constructions
Tree Stump Removal Eliminating termite-friendly environments
Annual Maintenance Regular checks and bait replacement


Seeing winged termites in your home can be alarming. As they can cause damage, knowing when to call pest control is critical.

If you spot groups of winged termites in or around your house, this is a telltale sign of a potential infestation.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s termite control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about the areas we service, visit our location page.