10 Ways to Prevent Mosquito Breeding in Louisiana

gnats; mosquitoes; larvae,Mosquito larvae in dirty water and you

Louisiana’s warm, watery landscapes are perfect for mosquitoes. To fight back, it’s essential to tackle their breeding spots, mainly standing water.

Could overlooked items like plant saucers or pet water bowls be the reason mosquitoes feel at home in your backyard?

While wearing long-sleeved shirts can help prevent mosquito bites, continue reading to discover effective strategies for stopping them from breeding in your Louisiana backyard.

Key Takeaways

  • Standing water in items like buckets and plant saucers should be eliminated weekly to disrupt mosquito breeding cycles.
  • Features like mosquito nets and chemical treatments in water bodies help prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.
  • Gutters should be cleaned regularly, and larvicides must be applied according to manufacturer instructions to prevent mosquitoes.
  • Natural predators such as birds and bats are encouraged in the garden to help control mosquito populations.
  • Professional mosquito control services are advisable for severe infestations and ongoing prevention strategies.


Aedes and Anopheles mosquito species in Louisiana need stagnant water to breed.

Here are ten things you can do before mosquito problems disrupt your indoor and outdoor activities.

1. Regularly Drain Standing Water

Eliminating standing water is crucial in disrupting the mosquito life cycle from eggs and pupae to adults.

As homeowners, prime breeding grounds that you should empty at least once a week include:

  • Buckets
  • Plant saucers
  • Pet dishes
  • Old tires
  • Wheelbarrows
  • Flower pots

2. Maintain Decorative Water Features

Clear and circulating swimming pools and decorative water features can deter mosquitoes from laying eggs. Here’s a comparison of various methods.

Pool coversPrevents water surface access
Chemical treatmentsUse according to EPA guidelines
AeratorsIncreases water movement, reducing mosquito breeding

3. Install Mosquito Nets and Screens

Installing mosquito nets and screens is one of the easy-to-implement pest controls that prevent adult mosquitoes from entering homes.

Essential features to look for when choosing mosquito nets and screens are:

  • Tightly woven
  • Properly installed without gaps
  • UV-resistant materials

4. Use Mosquito Dunks in Water Bodies

Mosquito dunks release a larvicide that’s harmless to other wildlife. Here are the steps for their proper placement.

Determine QuantityUse the appropriate number of dunks for the size of the water body
PlacementPosition dunks in areas with little water movement
DurationReplace dunks monthly or as recommended by the manufacturer

5. Keep Gutters Clean and Unclogged

Roof gutters can become mosquito breeding sites if not maintained. Here’s how you can keep your gutters clean:

  1. Regularly remove leaves and debris.
  2. Install gutter guards.
  3. Conduct periodic inspections, especially after storms.

6. Apply Mosquito Larvicides Appropriately

Larvicides target mosquito larvae before they mature. To ensure safety and effectiveness, some of the best practices for larvicide application include:

Best PracticesDescription
Follow the Manufacturer’s InstructionsAdhere to dosages and frequency
Targeted ApplicationApply to known breeding sites, avoiding runoff
Environmental ConsiderationsChoose larvicides with minimal ecological impact

7. Landscape to Prevent Water Accumulation

Proper landscaping can minimize water accumulation. Implement these tips to keep your garden mosquito-free.

  1. Slope landscaping to facilitate drainage.
  2. Plant water-absorbing species like sedges.
  3. Use soil with good drainage qualities.
  4. Add plants that help repel mosquitoes for added protection.

8. Encourage Natural Predators in the Garden

Natural predators help in controlling mosquito populations by predation. Here’s what attracts these beneficial creatures.

PredatorsAttractive Features
BirdsBird baths, Birdhouses, native plants
BatsBat boxes, water features
DragonfliesShallow waters, vegetation

9. Cover Water Storage Containers

Covering water storage containers is essential to deny mosquitoes access. Look for covers or tarps with these features for maximum protection:

  • Tightly fitting
  • Mesh covers to prevent water collection
  • Durable material resistant to weather

10. Conduct Regular Inspections and Community Clean-ups

Community involvement makes a significant difference. Inspect these spots during clean-ups.

Public PoolsSkim and treat regularly
Community GardensRemove water from flower pots and dishes
Parks and PlaygroundsFix leaking faucets, empty wading pools


Sometimes, despite your best efforts, the mosquitoes seem to have a party, and the backyard turns into their dance floor. When the usual insect repellents with oil of lemon eucalyptus, picaridin, or DEET fail, it’s time to call in the pest control pros. 

Whether you’re in New Orleans or Baton Rouge, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s mosquito control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about the areas we service, visit our location page.