At What Time of Day Are Rats Most Active?

Rats near Damaged Furniture Indoors.

Rats are nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active at night. However, their activity can shift depending on their environment, food supply, and seasonal changes. If you’re noticing signs of rat infestations—like droppings, gnaw marks, or rub marks—understanding their daily patterns can help you get rid of them.

Let’s break down when rats are most active throughout the day.

Key Takeaways

  • Rats are most active between dusk and early morning when they search for food and shelter.
  • Midnight to early morning is their busiest time, often leaving droppings, rub marks, and greasy trails.
  • Daytime sightings usually indicate a bigger problem due to overcrowded nests or scarce food.
  • Quick action is important, including sealing entry points, removing food, and contacting pest control.


While rats tend to come out at night, their activity can vary depending on the time of day. Here’s when you’re most likely to notice signs of these critters—and what it might mean for your home.

1. Dusk to Early Night (6 p.m. to 10 p.m.)

As the sun sets, rats begin to emerge from their nests in search of food.

During this time, you might hear scratching noises in attics, garages, and crawl spaces as they move through walls and ceilings.

  • Roof rats, known for being skilled climbers, often use this time to travel along power lines or climb onto rooftops.
  • Norway rats, also called brown rats, tend to stay closer to the ground, seeking food sources near compost heaps, wood piles, and basements.

This is often when homeowners first notice rodent activity, as the quiet of the evening makes sounds more noticeable.

2. Midnight to Early Morning (10 p.m. to 4 a.m.)

Midnight to early morning is when rats are at their peak activity level. With fewer disturbances and less human presence, rats feel safer moving around.

They forage for food sources, including pet food left out overnight, unsecured garbage, and items stored in garages and basements. Their search for food can lead them to kitchens, pantries, and areas with accessible food supplies.

This is also when rats leave behind evidence of their presence, such as rat droppings, rub marks along walls, and greasy trails where their bodies have brushed against surfaces.

If you’re using rat traps or bait stations as preventive measures, this window is when they are most likely to catch them.

3. Early Morning (4 a.m. to 6 a.m.)

As the sky begins to brighten, rat activity slows down.

During this time, rats return to their nests in crawl spaces, attics, and hidden areas within walls. They may also nest in cluttered garages, basements, or areas with wood piles, where they can safely raise their litters.

Homeowners who wake up early might still hear faint scratching or scurrying sounds as rats settle back into their hiding spots.

This period is a good time to inspect for signs of rats since they’ve likely left evidence of their movements overnight.

4. Daytime (6 a.m. to 6 p.m.)

While rats are primarily nocturnal, seeing them during the day could signal a larger problem.

In urban areas where competition for food is high, rats may risk venturing out during daylight hours. Brown rats, in particular, are more likely to appear during the day if their nests are overcrowded or if food sources are limited.

Daytime sightings often indicate a significant rat problem, as rats typically avoid daylight to reduce the risk of predators and human encounters.

If you see these critters during the day, it’s essential to take preventive measures, such as sealing potential entry points, removing accessible food, and contacting a pest control professional for effective rat control.


If you suspect rats are active in your home, look for signs like gnaw marks, rat droppings, and rub marks along walls and baseboards. Check common nesting areas like attics, crawl spaces, garages, and basements.

Since rats can spread fleas and other pests, addressing the problem quickly is essential.

At LaJaunie’s Pest Control, we offer rodent control solutions that are safe for your home and effective year-round. Our experts identify potential entry points, remove rats using snap traps and bait stations, and help you prevent future infestations.

Contact us today for a free quote, and let us help you get rid of rats for good​.