How to Get Rid of Orb Weaver Spiders

Orb Weaver Spiders

Why are orb weavers setting up shop in your garden, and how can you encourage them to find another home? 

To get rid of orb weavers, focus on removing their food sources and disrupting their webs regularly. Keep reading into the steps to create a less inviting space for them.

Key Takeaways

  • Orb weaver spiders often live outdoors, and removing their webs can keep them from coming back.
  • Peppermint and citrus oils can help keep orb weaver spiders away when sprayed near doors and windows.
  • Outdoor lights attract insects, which orb weaver spiders eat, so turning off lights can make your yard less appealing to them.
  • If you notice many orb weaver spiders, calling pest control can help manage the infestation effectively.


Orb Weaver Spider

Orb weaver spiders are arachnids known for their large webs. They can populate gardens or outdoor spaces. To manage them, use the following steps that may help address their presence effectively.

Remove Spider Webs Regularly

Orb weaver spiders spin large, circular webs to catch prey. These webs can quickly become an eyesore in gardens or around homes. Regularly clearing these webs repels them from setting up shop in the same location.

Using a broom or a long stick is effective in removing webs. This makes the area look tidier and encourages them to move elsewhere. It might take time and consistency. But it’s a practical step toward reducing their presence.

Use Essential Oils as a Natural Repellent

As a DIY pest control, essential oils can be a natural way to keep orb weaver spiders away. Certain scents, like peppermint or citrus, are believed to repel these common house spiders due to their strong smell.

Mix a few drops with water and spray it around your yard or entry points to create a natural barrier. While strong scents deter some species, these arachnids may not always respond similarly.

Keep Outdoor Lights Off

Outdoor lighting might look charming, but it attracts flying insects, a favorite meal for orb weaver spiders. By reducing unnecessary lighting, you cut down the food source, making the area less appealing to these spiders.

Switching to yellow or sodium vapor lights can also reduce the attraction of insects. It’s wise to turn off lights when unnecessary or install motion sensors so lights only activate when necessary.

Trim Vegetation Near Your Home

Orb weaver spiders often find refuge and web-building opportunities in tall grass near homes. Keeping bushes and grass trimmed can discourage them from settling there. By reducing these hiding spots, you make the area less appealing.

It’s not just aesthetics. Regular gardening can reduce the appeal for any type of spider looking to build their homes near yours. Besides, this practice keeps other pests in check, lowering the chances of an orb weaver invasion.


Discovering an orb weaver spider inside can be unexpected, as they typically stay outdoors. However, they might wander inside through open windows or cracks.

To safely remove an orb weaver:

  1. Use a jar and a piece of paper to remove the orb weaver spider safely.
  2. Place the jar over the spider to contain it.
  3. Slide the paper under the jar to trap the spider inside without causing harm.
  4. Carry the trapped spider outside.
  5. Release the spider away from your house.
  6. Check crevices, corners, and window frames regularly for spider activity.
  7. Add weather stripping to doors and windows to prevent spiders from entering.

Since they are non-aggressive, orb weaver spider bites are rare. Generally, it is harmless to humans if one does occur. It may cause mild symptoms such as slight pain, redness, or swelling.

Tip: If spiderlings or egg sacs are spotted indoors, gently vacuum them up and promptly empty the vacuum outside. This method is less invasive than chemicals and keeps indoor spaces clear.


If signs of a large presence emerge, considering professional pest control services might be the next step. Exterminators can offer personalized advice and treatments to handle infestations.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s spider control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about our services, visit our service page.