How to Get Rid of Yellow Sac Spiders

Yellow Sac Spider on a Leaf

Why are yellow sac spiders suddenly taking over your home, and what’s the best way to deal with them? Yellow sac spiders are known for sneaking into living spaces in Louisiana.

To get rid of these arachnids, keep your home tidy, seal cracks and crevices, and use natural spider repellents. Keep reading to find out more strategies and solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • Yellow sac spiders are small, pale yellow spiders that come out at night and leave webs and sacs in corners or hidden spots.
  • You can control yellow sac spiders by removing webs, sacs, and spiders with a vacuum or broom.
  • Bug sprays, spider traps, and sealing cracks help keep yellow sac spiders from coming back.
  • If you notice a rise in spider activity despite your efforts, contacting a pest control professional can help prevent infestations.



Yellow sac spider control involves strategies that work both indoors and outdoors. These practical steps can effectively handle the issue without overly complex methods.

Identify the Signs of a Yellow Sac Spider Infestation

Knowing what yellow sac spiders look like is the first step. Typically, they are small, around a quarter-inch in size. They have a pale yellow appearance with darker tips on their cephalothorax.

Besides that, they have distinctive nocturnal habits. You may find them randomly weaving patterns in the corners of the walls. Other signs may include the presence of egg sacs obscured along ceilings.

Yellow sac spider bites are another potential sign of their presence. While their bites are not usually life-threatening, they can cause mild to moderate pain, swelling, and redness at the bite site.

But do yellow sac spiders pose a greater threat? Generally, they are not dangerous to humans. In some cases, small lesions or rare cases of severe reactions may need medical attention. 

These signs can help you tell these house spiders apart from other notorious spider species like black widows and brown recluse spiders.

Remove Webs and Sacs

Once identified, the next step is to remove webs and sacs from all discovered locations. Look for sacs and webs tucked into hidden spots like closets, attics, and other storage areas.

An effective removal method involves using a stick or broom and gently detaching the webs, ensuring not to scatter the spiders. For areas that are hard to reach, using a vacuum to dislodge them can work well.

Use a Vacuum to Capture Spiders

Using a vacuum is a straightforward approach to directly dealing with these house spiders. The vacuum can capture adults and sacs, reducing bites and further infestation.

A vacuum with a hose attachment is ideal for reaching corners, ceilings, and behind furniture. It’s an immediate solution, making sure that captured spiders and egg sacs don’t escape and increase further in the home.

Apply Bug Sprays and Traps

Bug sprays specifically formulated for spiders can be applied to areas where yellow sac spiders are commonly found. They often contain active ingredients that target spider physiology.

Spider traps can also be placed strategically in areas like window sills, corners of rooms, attics, and behind furniture. They can catch these spiders in areas where they’re commonly active without manual effort.

Seal Cracks and Entry Points

Sealing cracks and entry points with caulk or weather stripping helps to prevent new yellow sac spiders from entering the home. Pay attention to gaps around windows, doors, baseboards, and utility entry points like plumbing or wiring holes.

It’s a simple yet significant step that helps keep spiders and other pests from wandering indoors. Regular maintenance of potential entry points makes a big difference in long-term control.


Preventing yellow sac spider problems involves different measures. Attention to outdoor spaces can also stop them from entering.

Keep Your Home Clean and Free of Clutter

Since clutter attracts prey like small insects, yellow sac spiders often find hiding places in cluttered areas. Dust and vacuum regularly, paying special attention to attics, basements, closets, and garages.

Discard unused items that pile up over time, as these can become potential homes for spiders. Keeping things organized lessens the spider problem and helps spot them early should they appear.

Regularly Inspect Your Home for Spiders

Frequent inspection is key to preventing a yellow sac spider infestation. Check common hiding spots such as window sills, behind furniture, and in corners. Don’t forget hard-to-reach areas like the attic and basement.

As part of your pest management, looking for silk sacs, nests, or spiderlings that suggest an increasing population is also helpful. 

Track Outdoor Areas Around Your Home

Spiders often live outdoors and may wander inside in search of food sources, which include small insects. Keeping an eye on wood piles, garden beds, and walls outside can prevent indoor infestations.

As homeowners, maintain a clean yard to avoid them entering your home. Consider hiring pest control services to treat outdoor areas if spiders persist.


If these critters begin to appear frequently inside the house, it’s a good sign that pest control might be needed. This is particularly true if simple DIY efforts aren’t making a noticeable difference.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s spider control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about our services, visit our service page.