What Are the Signs of Carpenter Bee Damage?

Carpenter bee

Noticing small piles of sawdust below wooden structures around your home might seem harmless. But carpenter bee damage can weaken and ruin your wooden elements over time. 

These bees drill into wood, creating tunnels that serve as nests. Keep reading to learn the common signs of damage from these buzzing invaders.

Key Takeaways

  • Carpenter bees make round holes in wood, about half an inch wide, to build their nests.
  • Sawdust and yellow stains near the holes may suggest that carpenter bees are active.
  • Woodpeckers often show up, pecking around the holes when there are carpenter bees.
  • Sealing untreated wood and hiring pest control can help stop carpenter bees from causing more damage.



Carpenter bees are known for causing specific types of damage to wooden structures. To help you save time, money, and frustration, here are some common signs you shouldn’t miss.

Round Holes in Wood Surfaces

Carpenter bees typically create round holes in wood surfaces for nesting. These holes are usually about half an inch in diameter and can be found on wood siding, tables, or eaves. These drill holes represent access points where they build tunnels and lay eggs.

While they have stingers, female carpenter bees are responsible for drilling holes. On the other hand, male carpenter bees, though unable to sting, aggressively guard the nests by hovering near the entry holes.

Sawdust-Like Debris Near Entry Holes

Another telltale sign of carpenter bee activity is the appearance of sawdust-like debris. This debris accumulates below the entry holes as the female bees excavate tunnels within the wood.

Besides sawdust-like debris, you may also notice yellow stains near the holes, which are the excrement of carpenter bees. Regular inspection, particularly during spring when bees are most active, can help spot an infestation early.

Visible Tunnels in Wood Structures

Visible tunnels inside wood are another sign of carpenter bee damage. These tunnels can extend several inches and weaken the wood over time. If you spot these, it suggests that these solitary bees have been actively nesting.

Finding these tunnels often requires more investigation than merely spotting entrance holes. They can be found by inspecting structural wood components or areas where paint may be peeling.

Fading or Peeling Paint Around Holes

Fading or peeling paint near bee holes signals the need for attention. This situation is due to the moisture and weathering effects on wood exposed by the drilling activity of carpenter bees.

Although peeling paint around these holes may start as minor aesthetic issues, it can quickly lead to larger paint problems. The exposure to elements can also speed up paint deterioration, causing it to lift away more easily.

Increased Woodpecker Activity

Increased activity from woodpeckers can also suggest carpenter bees on the property. The sound of tapping or visible damage made by woodpeckers might hint at hidden carpenter bee infestations.

While woodpeckers help natural pest control, their search for bee larvae can lead to more damage. It’s common to see them pecking near existing and new holes, creating larger openings.


Carpenter bees aren’t the only wood-boring pests you may face. Spotting the differences between them and other wood-boring pests is important.

Here’s how they compare to other common household pests known to bore into wood:

Household PestsHole ShapeWaste MaterialOther Signs
Carpenter BeesRoundSawdust below holesYellow stains, buzzing near holes
TermitesIrregular tunnelsMud tubes, frassHollow sounds in the wood
Carpenter AntsSmooth tunnelsFrass contains bits of wood, dead ants, and insect partsAnts seen marching along trails


As important pollinators, carpenter bees may seem harmless initially. However, their habit of boring into wood can eventually lead to structural damage. 

If you notice many holes appearing in wood structures, it might signal a growing problem needing pest control.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s bee control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about our services, visit our service page.