What Kills Crazy Ants in Baton Rouge, LA?

Crazy ants, known for their frantic movements and tendency for rapid population growth, have become a persistent issue in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 

Are there eco-friendly options available that can be just as effective as their chemical counterparts?

Keep reading to learn about proven methods and strategies for controlling the crazy ant population in Baton Rouge.

Key Takeaways

  • As homeowners, you may need to use natural remedies and chemical treatments to control crazy ants in Baton Rouge.
  • Recognizing crazy ant infestations early, by their distinct traits and behaviors, can prevent extensive damage, especially to electrical systems.
  • Implementing preventive measures, such as sealing entry points and maintaining cleanliness, can reduce future infestations.
  • Professional extermination services provide thorough inspections, tailored treatments, and follow-up visits for severe infestations to ensure effective control.


Crazy ants can be particularly challenging to eliminate in Baton Rouge. As homeowners, you may need to combine numerous methods for effective control.

Natural and DIY Crazy Ant Control Methods

Natural and DIY Crazy Ant Control Methods

Natural remedies are environmentally friendly but may require multiple applications and ongoing monitoring.

Consider these strategies, which serve as initial steps to curb ant populations:

  • Limiting access: Seal cracks in walls, foundations, and around windows to prevent entry.
  • Cleanliness: Maintain a clean household to remove food sources that attract ants.
  • Natural repellents: Apply vinegar or lemon juice in areas where ants frequently disrupt their scent trails.
  • Boiling water: Pouring boiling water over the nest can kill ants on contact, but multiple applications may be required.

Chemical Treatments for Crazy Ants

Chemical solutions like insecticides or pesticides often provide a more definitive answer to ant infestations.

They can effectively target species of ants, including the Fire Ants and Carpenter Ants. However, they must be used correctly to reduce environmental impact.

Consider these active ingredients on readily available products:

Active Ingredients Usage Notes
Borax Place granules near ant trails and replace them as needed for continuous control.
Bifenthrin (Pyrethroid class) Apply as a barrier treatment around the home’s perimeter. Avoid rain exposure soon after application.
Fipronil (i.e., Termidor) Professional application is recommended for lasting barrier protection. Not available for over-the-counter purchase.
Indoxacarb Place gel in areas of high ant traffic for targeted control.


Identifying crazy ant infestations early can save you significant headaches, particularly from the havoc these pests wreak on electrical equipment.

What Do They Look Like?

Knowing how to distinguish the hairy crazy ants from other ant species is crucial, as they have distinctive physical characteristics.

Also known as the “Tom Rasberry Crazy Ants,” here’s what to look for in this type of ant:

  • Size: Crazy ants are small, typically around 1/8 inches long.
  • Color: They tend to have a reddish-brown or black coloration.
  • Hair: They have visible coarse hairs scattered across their abdomen.
  • Antennae: Long, elbowed antennae with 12 segments.
  • Body Shape: The separation between the thorax (midsection) and the abdomen (rear section) is constricted, forming a distinct ring-like structure.

What Are the Common Signs of a Crazy Ant Infestation?

It’s beneficial for homeowners to recognize the common signs that indicate the presence of a crazy ant infestation to prevent damage, including short circuits in electrical equipment.

Signs How to Spot
Unusual Ant Trails Look for irregular foraging paths that don’t follow a straight line.
Live Ants in Large Numbers Be alert to large gatherings of ants, especially around food sources and damp areas.
Damage to Electrical Wiring Inspect electrical equipment for any signs of short circuits or ant activity.


Tawny crazy ant infestations in Baton Rouge pose a challenge, but with the proper preventive measures, you can reduce the likelihood of these pests taking over.

Here is how to keep these persistent insects at bay:

  1. Seal Entry Points: Inspect and seal cracks and crevices around windows, doors, and foundations.
  2. Yard Maintenance: Remove debris, trim the lawn, and eliminate standing water to reduce ant habitats.
  3. Store Food Securely: Store food sources in airtight containers and promptly clean up crumbs and spills.
  4. Regular Pest Inspections: Schedule inspections with an exterminator specializing in pest management.
  5. Target Aphid and Scale Infestations: Control aphids and scales to remove food sources like honeydews.
  6. Inspect and Isolate Infested Plants: If you discover an infestation, isolate the potted plant and repot it with fresh, sterile soil.
  7. Consult the Experts: For advice or to inquire about pest control methods and effective treatments, contact the local entomologists at the LSU AgCenter.
  8. Community Efforts: Coordinate with the West Baton Rouge community to control the high number of crazy ants.


As homeowners in Baton Rouge who face an invasion of crazy ants, you can contact professional extermination services to tackle the issue.

Here’s what they can look forward to:

Aspects Details
Thorough Inspection Exterminators assess the property to identify ant colonies and their pheromone trails.
Treatment Plan They craft a tailored strategy to target the specific ant species and the extent of the infestation.
Advanced Techniques Depending on the situation, professionals use various methods.
Environmental Safeguards Technicians apply safe treatments for families and pets, ensuring minimal environmental impact.
Preventative Measures After treatment, they advise preventing future outbreaks.
Follow-up They typically include a follow-up visit to check the efficacy of the treatment and make any necessary adjustments.


When over-the-counter ant baits and sprays are like water off a duck’s back, and the ants just keep coming with other pests like fleas and termites, contacting a pest control professional is often prudent.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge, Plaquemines, or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s ant control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about the areas we service, visit our location page.