Wolf Spiders in Louisiana: What to Know

small wolf spider

Louisiana, known for its vast marshlands and bayous, is also home to an intriguing variety of wolf spiders. While many people might shy away from spiders, wolf spiders play a critical role in controlling insect populations.

Did you know wolf spiders do not spin webs to catch their prey? Instead, they rely on their excellent eyesight and speed to chase down insects.

What distinguishes the wolf spiders found in Louisiana from those in other regions? Keep reading to discover more fascinating facts about Louisiana’s wolf spiders and how to identify them.

Key Takeaways

  • Wolf spiders are large, hairy in brown, gray, black, or tan, and have an eight-eye arrangement across three rows.
  • Primarily nocturnal, wolf spiders are ground hunters who rely on speed and stealth rather than webs.
  • Wolf spiders are adaptable to various environments. They thrive in natural settings like forests and human spaces such as basements and garages.
  • Sightings of large, hairy spiders, egg sacs attached to female spiders, and small burrows or runways are indicators of wolf spider infestations.
  • To manage wolf spider populations, seal entry points, reduce clutter, and consider professional pest control for severe cases or chemical treatments as needed.


Wolf spiders are recognized by their large, robust bodies and long legs, which make them relatively large compared to other common spiders.

Here’s how you can spot them with their physical features:

Physical CharacteristicsDetails
Body Length0.4 to 1.4 inches; some up to 2 inches
MouthpartsChelicerae with fangs
Eye ArrangementThree rows with eight eyes
ColorBrown, grey, black, or tan
Leg SpanUp to 3 inches

While wolf spiders bite humans, they are not typically aggressive and usually only bite if threatened or provoked.

Otherwise, here’s how they behave and forage as active hunters, relying on speed and stealth:

  • Hunting Style: Ground hunters
  • Activity Period: Mainly nocturnal
  • Diet: Insects like mosquitoes, cockroaches, and crickets
  • Reproduction: Females carry egg sacs and spiderlings on their backs


Wolf Spiders vs Other Spider Species

Wolf spiders in Louisiana display unique characteristics that set them apart from other spiders. These distinctions include:

Wolf SpidersOther Spiders
Hunting MethodHunts on foot without websRely on webs (e.g., orb weavers)
AppearanceRobust, hairy bodySmooth, slender body (e.g., black widow or brown widow spiders)
HabitatGround-based, under rocks and leavesWeb-based, corners, ceilings (e.g., cellar spider or house spider)
Body StructureLarger and stouterCompact body (e.g., jumping spiders)
Eye PatternThree rows with eight eyesSix eyes in a semicircular pattern (e.g., brown recluse spider)


Signs of a wolf spider presence can often be identified through direct sightings and physical evidence. An excellent first step is knowing what to look for:

  • Sightings of Adult Spiders: Wolf spiders are large, have hairy bodies and long legs, and live in secluded areas like crevices and corners.
  • Egg Sacs: Female wolf spiders attach their egg sacs to their spinnerets. Finding these sacs is a strong indicator.
  • Spiderlings: After hatching, spiderlings climb onto their mother’s back. A cluster of tiny spiders on an adult spider is a sure sign.
  • Runways and Burrows: Look for small holes or burrows in the ground, as wolf spiders often use these as shelters.


Getting rid of wolf spiders in Louisiana can involve DIY solutions or chemical treatments. Each method has its own advantages and specific steps to maximize effectiveness.

DIY Solutions

As homeowners, you can start with DIY pest control solutions for a quick and cost-effective way to manage wolf spiders. Here are some popular approaches to keep them at bay:

  • Seal Entry Points: Use caulk to seal cracks and gaps in walls, windows, and doors.
  • Reduce Clutter: Keep areas free of debris and clutter where spiders may hide.
  • Vacuum Regularly: Use a vacuum to remove spiders, webs, and egg sacs.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle this powder in areas where spiders are likely to crawl.

Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments offer a more aggressive approach to spider control. These are typically recommended when DIY methods don’t suffice:

Product TypesRecommended Action
Insecticide SpraysApply around doors and windows; offers a quick knockdown effect.
DustsUse in wall voids and under furniture; longer-lasting effectiveness.
Residual SpraysCreate a barrier that spiders will avoid; effective for extended periods.
Professional Spider ExterminatorsEngage pest control services for comprehensive treatment of severe infestations.


Inside the Home

Wolf spiders tend to enter homes seeking shelter and prey. Essential tips for keeping your home pest-free include:

  • Declutter storage areas
  • Regular vacuuming
  • Dusting hard-to-reach spots
  • Sealing windows and doors
  • Using weather stripping

Around the Property

Wolf spiders often get into houses from the yard. Vital outdoor steps for year-round protection include:

  • Trim vegetation
  • Maintain the lawn
  • Remove leaf litter and woodpiles
  • Clutter management
  • Use appropriate outdoor lighting


If you notice an increasing number of wolf spiders around your home, it might be time to call pest control experts. These spiders can be large and fast, which should alarm you.

Whether you’re in Baton Rouge or New Orleans, seeking expert help should be easy. For immediate intervention for a severe infestation, let Lajaunie’s spider control specialists tailor a solution that’s right for your home.

For more information about the areas we service, visit our location page.

Related: Are Wolf Spiders in Louisiana Dangerous?